Why can neodymium magnets be dangerous

Are neodymium magnets safe?

Neodymium magnets are perfectly safe to use as long as you dispose of them properly.

The permanent magnets are strong. Bring two magnets, even small ones, close together and they will attract each other, leap towards each other with great acceleration, and then slam together.

Neodymium magnets will jump and bump together from a distance of a few inches to a few feet. It could get pinched badly or even break if you have a finger in the way.


Danger for human

For older kids and adults, smaller magnets are available for everyday applications and fun. But please note that magnets are not a toy for toddlers and teenage children to play with. Never leave them alone in contact with strong magnets such as neodymium magnets. First, they may choke on a magnet if they swallow it. You should also be careful not to injure your hands and fingers when handling stronger magnets. Some neodymium magnets are strong enough to cause serious injury to your fingers and/or hands if they get caught between a strong magnet and a metal or other magnet.


Children should always be supervised when handling or playing with magnets, and magnets should always be kept away from small children who may swallow them.


Magnetically devices

You should also be careful with your electronic equipment. Strong magnets like neodymium magnets can damage some electronic devices. For example, TVs, hearing aids, heart pacemakers, mechanical watches, CRT monitors, credit cards, computers and all magnetically stored media can be affected by powerful magnets. Keep a safety distance of at least 20 cm between the magnet and all objects that could be damaged by magnetism.


Safe transportation

NdFeb permanent magnet cannot be shipped in envelopes or plastic bags like other items. And you certainly can't drop them in the mailbox and expect business-as-usual shipping. When shipping a powerful neodymium magnet, you'll need to pack it so it doesn't stick to steel objects or surfaces. This can be done by using cardboard boxes and lots of flexible packaging. The main purpose is to keep the magnet as far away from any steel as possible while reducing the magnetic force. The retainer is a piece of metal that closes the magnetic circuit. You just attach metal to the two poles of the magnet, which will contain the magnetic field. This is a very effective way to reduce the magnetic force of the magnet when transporting.


Tips for safe

Children can swallow small magnets. If one or more magnets are swallowed, they run the risk of becoming lodged in the gut, causing dangerous complications.


Neodymium magnets have very strong magnetic force. If you handle the magnets carelessly, your finger could be caught between two powerful magnets.


Don’t mix magnets and pacemakers. Magnets may affect pacemakers and internal defibrillators.


Falling heavy objects from heights is very dangerous and can cause serious accidents.


Magnets made of neodymium are very fragile, which can sometimes cause the magnet to crack and/or crumble into many pieces.


Do you fully understand the safety of magnets? If you still have questions, please contact us. Fullzen will be helpful.

Post time: Dec-28-2022